Erhard Gaube
Born in 1959, my tirst tentative musical steps were taken before I had started school. These were later “steered toward an orderly path” through attendance of the Musikschule Merseburg - 1969 to 1976 - piano and violin. Followed from 1976 to 1982 by studies at the University of Music “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” in Leipzig (specialisation in correpetition/coaching and piano under A. Sch?nfelder, H. B?hm, G. Erber, U. Urban, M. Wappler). Degree as Ballet Répétiteur. Since 1981, in this function at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden, primarily in the areas of ballet, modern dance and improvisation. Open for all styles of music in modern dance training, also with percussion instruments. Singing in choirs (since 1980 in various choirs) is a hobby that will continue to be nursed (at the moment, member of the Pirnaer Kantorei).