Application Fee

An application fee of 50.00 EUR is charged for each application. The application fee is due at the time of submission of the application documentation and will be not refunded. Proof of payment is to be submitted  with the application documents.

Please transfer the amount to the following account:

Recipient: Hauptkasse Sachsen

Address of Recipient: Stauffenbergallee 2, 01099 Dresden

IBAN: DE 06 8600 0000 0086 0015 19


Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank

Reference: 7040.00602-1, Family name, first name of the applicant, study program*

*N-Class, BA Dance, MA Dance Teacher, Master Choreography

IMPORTANT: Payment can only be assigned if the correct reference is stated!


If you have any problems with the payment, please send an e-mail to Haushalt(at)