Soest, Westphalia
- Studied in Münster, Nijmegen (NL) and Speyer
- Bennett and Robertson LLP, Edinburgh (GB)
- First State Exam in Law, Higher Regional Court Hamm
- Second State Exam in Law, Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf
- Doctorate on a copyright and personality law topic, Technical University Dresden, awarded the von Gerber Prize of the Faculty of Law
- Research assistant at the Chair for Civil Law with special consideration of industrial property rights and copyright at the Technical University Dresden
- Erasmus Coordinator of the Law Faculty of the Technical University Dresden
- Coordinator of the master's degree programme "International Studies in Intellectual Property Law"
- Com. Dean's Councilor of the Faculty of Law of the Technical University Dresden
- Member of various master examination boards
- Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Law of the Technical University Dresden
- Managing Director of the Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Media Law if the Faculty of Law of the Technical Universty Dresden (IGEWeM, now IRGET)
- Chancellor at Palucca University of Dance Dresden
- Lectures, speeches and working groups on civil law, in particular on intellectual property law and personal rights as well as university law (e. g., TU Dresden; VWA Dresden; University of Exeter (GB), Nanterre Network of European law faculties, Paris (F), International Summer School PUCP, Lima (PER); Russian State Law University, Moscow (RUS))
- Lecturer in copyright and personality law at the Technical University Dresden