Taisia Muratore
Artistic Staff Member
Born in Palermo, Italy
- Ballet School of the Hamburger Ballet under the direction of Marianne Kruuse
- MA Dance Teacher Programme at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden
- Hamburg Ballet
- Theatre Kiel
Initially, I worked as a free-lance instructor for ballet at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden starting October 2019. Since May 2020, I am a member of the artistic staff in the area of ballet. In my lessons, my aim is to convey ballet with a healthy posture and thus keep the physical strain that ballet puts on the body on a healthy track. Working intelligently with one’s own physical condition should be every dancer and dance teacher’s goal. Furthermore, musicality is of great importance for me. It is important that the pupils comprehend the execution of movements in various tempos and dynamics. The earlier they achieve this comprehension, the better they will be prepared later for the diversity of the dance repertoire. In the process, the quality of the execution in all its details and the young dancers’ charisma complete the instruction.